I could no longer …

keep all this nonsense in my head to myself.

I usually don’t anyway, but this is on a potentially much larger scale (#grandiosityMoment), and so I thought I would apologize up front for any lasting damage I might cause should some innocent person happen to stumble onto this. And also, you know, cover myself legally. So, making sure you are not one of the following:

Low on time. (This is not the place you want to be if you need to spend your time wisely.)

Compulsive on the arguing. (Again, more because of the time issue.)

Easily distracted. (See how I’m looking out for you.)

Desperate for distraction. (Seriously, don’t do it. Or if you have to – do it now, while there is little content and you can easily go back to your life.)

And for safeties sake – don’t distribute any of the posts you find here! It is bad enough that you got sucked into it. No need for others to come to harm too.